About IASD
The IASD Master’s degree is an international training program of PSL University, coordinated by its components University Paris Dauphine, École normale supérieure and École des Mines de Paris. The IASD Master’s degree offers a complete M2-level curriculum providing solid theoretical knowledge and good practical experience of state-of-the-art methods in artificial intelligence and data science. Backed by the research laboratories of PSL University and the PR[AI]RIE-PSAI (Paris School of AI) Cluster, the IASD Master’s degree is a high-level training program leading to careers in research and development in public or private research laboratories or innovative companies.
The program comes in two distinct tracks, IASD – Computer Science and IASD – Mathematics, which share many common courses but also features some specific advanced courses, leading to two distinct degrees in, respectively Computer Science and Mathematics and applications. The IASD – Mathematics track corresponds to the program of the Master’s degree previously known as MASH.
The Master’s program selectively recruits students who have completed the first year of a Master’s degree in either computer science or mathematics, as well as students in their final year of engineering school (or who have already obtained an engineering degree), and also students from comparable international backgrounds.
All courses are given in English and take place in person at the center of Paris (5ème arrondissement) and the number of students is limited to ninety.
The IASD Master’s degree consists of a common core semester on the fundamental disciplines of AI (from September to December; 7 mandatory courses, equivalent to 168 hours – 28 ECTS) followed by a semester of options (from January to March; 6 optional courses, equivalent to 140 hours – 22 ECTS) and an internship (from April to September; 10 ECTS) done in an academic research lab or an R&D company. The common core semester includes seven mandatory courses, while the second semester allows students to deepen their knowledge in six subjects chosen from twenty options. Students also have the opportunity to attend an intensive PSL week proposed by the DATA program at Université PSL. Optional refresher courses on probability and programming foundations are offered before the start of the common core courses in early September.
The Computer Science and Mathematics tracks share four common courses in the first semester, while three other courses are specific to each track. Courses specific to the other track may also be followed as option(s), in the limit of two options (at most) to be followed during the first semester.
Management Committee
Olivier Cappé (CNRS, DI ENS) — Director
Christian P. Robert (Dauphine – PSL, CEREMADE) — Deputy Director (Maths)
Benjamin Negrevergne (Dauphine – PSL, LAMSADE) — Deputy Director (CS)
Judith Rousseau (Dauphine – PSL, CEREMADE) — Deputy Director (Maths)
Educational Board
Pierre Senellart (ENS – PSL, DI ENS)
Etienne Decencière (Mines Paris – PSL, CMM)
Alexandre Allauzen (ESPCI Paris – PSL, LAMSADE)
Francis Bach (Inria, DI ENS)
Gabriel Peyré (CNRS, DMA)
Olivier Cappé (olivier.cappe@ens.psl.eu) — Director
Maxime Florens (maxime.florens@dauphine.psl.eu) — Administrative Assistant