This page provides information pertaining to the 2024-2025 academic year.

List of proposed internships

Available here. When you have found an internship, please follow this procedure.

For internship supervisors: how to submit an internship proposal for IASD students

Students from the IASD master program have to do a 5 months research internship, starting at the beginning of April.

If you are a member of a research laboratory, or a private R&D department, you can submit internship proposals here. Of course, the topic of the internship should be related to the syllabus of the master program.

The internship proposal will be visible in the list below, after validation from the pedagogical team.

Compensation: In France, internships that last more that two months have to be compensated. The minimal compensation for internships is decided by law, and was about 550€/month in 2019. More information available here (in french):

For students: how to find and obtain approval for an internship

To find an internship, you can check the list of available internships, or find one on your own. In the latter case, load the internship description using this form, specifying your name in the comment section so we know the internship is for you. Finally, you should fill in the form on the pstage platform of Dauphine – PSL to obtain the contract and get the official approval from the University.

See also the information slides (2020)